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Nation Branding important

by on March 28, 2013

Nation Branding is something that has existed for a long time but is still under continuing development since the goals and the strategy of a state are constantly changing.[1]

The creator of this concept that is emerging is Simon Anholt who works as an independent policy adviser in both the government, regional and national field he is involved in several different goal main schemes for the enhancement of the political, cultural and economic engagement with other states.[2]

 As we have been going through the goal of nation branding as is in a structured way to manage and construct a reputation of a state.

There are different way to do this is by products that is typical associated to the state are being promoted more than others. As important this product is to the state it is important to sell this picture to other states as well.[3]

The government within a state is very often concerned and involved when it comes to the reputation of the state because it is an instrument that could have an influence in order to increase the interest of a state in the area such as investment, politics, education, tourism     Simon Anholt is an independent policy advisor who helps national, regional and city governments develop and implement strategies for enhanced economic, political and cultural engagement with other countries.[4]

There are many states that use this practice in order to enhance the economic welfare so when we see that many power states could be related to this because they lay very high in the nation branding table. The countries that are lying very high up are: United States, Germany, United Kingdom and France as we can clearly see here in this table:


It is said that even developing states are getting more aware of this and are now putting this idea into practice because it in a long term would create enhancements of foreign investment, trade and tourism but as well the improvement of the political situation with other states.

It is good in a sense that states wants to develop and create a more positive picture of them to portray to other states, but the leading states as we mentioned before such as United States, United Kingdom, Germany and France are states that have been concerned with this for several centuries that has resulted in that they are acting as main power actors in the world today, if they would risk their position for the new developing states is questionable but reasonably the answer would probably be no.[6] 

 But we can see that nation branding is a very interesting area because the more you put in economically the more recognition the state would gain because most people have something they can associate the leading countries with e.g.

United States: McDonalds’, Dollar, Basket, Chevrolet and unhealthy fast food

Germany: BMW, Hitler, football VM 2006, The German autobahns

United Kingdom: Fish and chips, Shopping, Thames River, The royal family and Big ben.

France: The Eiffel tour, The Arc de Triomphe, Wine, Fashion city and beautiful landscapes.[7]

 So by asking people around what they associate a certain state with we can see that it important that state as well are focusing and investing in the picture that they portray.



[1] True J. Globalisation and Identity. In Raymond Miller. Globalisation and Identity P. 74

[4]Dinnie K. Nation Branding: Concepts, Issues, Practice P.14

[6] Video: A speech from Daniel Florian about Nation Branding [accessed: 09-03-2013].

[7] Interview: Ssemakula M.  [accessed: 10-03-2013].

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